Are there specific recommendations for applying wall decals on textured walls?

Wall decals have become a popular choice for adding a touch of personality and style to any space. However, for those with textured walls, the application process can be a bit more challenging. Fear not, though, as we delve into the specifics of applying wall decals on textured surfaces, offering valuable tips to ensure a seamless and stunning result.

Understanding the Challenge

Textured walls add depth and character to a room, but when it comes to applying decals, the uneven surface can pose a unique set of challenges. Unlike smooth walls that provide an ideal canvas for decals, textured walls require a bit more finesse to achieve a flawless application.

Choosing the Right Decal

The journey to a successful application begins with selecting the right wall decal. Opt for decals with a more forgiving design—ones that aren't too intricate or dependent on a completely flat surface. Simpler designs or those with larger elements tend to adhere better to textured walls, reducing the likelihood of air bubbles and uneven application.

Additionally, consider the material of the decal. Vinyl decals, for example, are flexible and can conform to the texture of the wall more effectively than rigid materials. Ensure that the decal is specifically labeled as suitable for textured surfaces.

Surface Preparation

Preparing the textured wall is a crucial step in ensuring a smooth and long-lasting application. Start by cleaning the wall thoroughly to remove any dust, dirt, or debris. A damp cloth or sponge is often sufficient for this task. Allow the wall to dry completely before proceeding.

Next, inspect the wall for any irregularities or raised areas. Sand down any high points or imperfections to create a more even surface. While it may not be possible to achieve a perfectly smooth finish, reducing the texture's extremes will enhance the decal's adhesion.

Test Placement

Before committing to the final placement of your wall decal, conduct a test run with a small, inconspicuous section. This allows you to assess how well the decal adheres to the texture and provides a sneak peek into the final result. Pay attention to how the decal conforms to the wall's irregularities, and adjust the placement accordingly.

Application Techniques

When it comes to applying decals on textured walls, patience and precision are key. Follow these steps for a successful application:

Step 1: Peel Carefully

Start by peeling off a small section of the backing, exposing the adhesive side of the decal. Take your time and peel slowly, ensuring the decal remains intact and doesn't stretch or tear.

Step 2: Apply Strategically

Rather than attempting to adhere the entire decal at once, work in sections. Begin with one edge or corner and gradually smooth the decal onto the wall, pressing out any air bubbles as you go. This step-by-step approach is particularly effective on textured surfaces, allowing you to address each section's unique challenges.

Step 3: Smooth Out Imperfections

Once a section is applied, use a soft, flat tool (such as a credit card or squeegee) to smooth out the decal and press it into the texture of the wall. Pay extra attention to the edges and corners to ensure a secure bond.

Step 4: Trim Excess Material

For decals that extend beyond the wall or onto adjacent surfaces, trim any excess material using a sharp utility knife or scissors. This step not only improves the overall appearance but also prevents the decal from peeling over time.

Adhesive Options

In some cases, traditional adhesive-backed decals may struggle to adhere effectively to highly textured surfaces. Consider alternative options, such as decals with stronger adhesives or removable adhesive putty. These alternatives provide added flexibility and may be more forgiving on textured walls.

Temperature and Humidity Considerations

The environmental conditions during application play a significant role in the success of your wall decal. Avoid applying decals in extreme temperatures or high humidity, as these factors can affect the adhesive's performance. Aim for a moderate, controlled environment to ensure optimal adhesion.

Sealing the Deal: Post-Application Tips

Congratulations, you've successfully applied a decal to your textured wall! To ensure its longevity and maintain its visual appeal, consider the following post-application tips:

1. Allow Adequate Drying Time

Resist the urge to touch or manipulate the decal immediately after application. Give it ample time to set and adhere to the wall. Refer to the manufacturer's recommendations for specific drying times.

2. Avoid Harsh Cleaning Agents

When cleaning the wall or the decal itself, opt for mild cleaning agents. Harsh chemicals can damage the adhesive and compromise the decal's longevity.

3. Monitor for Peeling or Lifting

Regularly inspect the edges and corners of the decal for any signs of peeling or lifting. If you notice any issues, address them promptly by applying additional pressure or reapplying the affected section.

4. Consider a Protective Coat

For added protection, especially in high-traffic areas, consider applying a clear, matte-finish sealant over the decal. This extra layer can safeguard the decal from scratches and minor abrasions.


Decorating textured walls with wall decals is a creative and rewarding endeavor that, with the right techniques, can yield stunning results. By choosing the appropriate decal, preparing the surface meticulously, and applying the decal with care, you can transform textured walls into captivating works of art. Embrace the challenge, unleash your creativity, and let your textured walls become the perfect backdrop for your unique and personalized space. Happy decorating!